Monday, June 11, 2012

Brushing off the Dust

Apparently it's been over a year since I've done anything on this blog, but considering some of the massive changes that have gone on in and out of the bee yard since last April (*cough* marriage *cough*), it seemed like a good time to brush the dust off of it. I actually have a number of “old posts” that need to be added, but rather than bombard the tens of readers all at once, I’ll parse them out over the next few weeks. But to whet your whistle, here are just some of the topics from the previous year that I’ll get to:

Two Hives Are Better Than One

The First Harvest (or: There’s Gold in Them Thar Frames!)

Supply and Demand

Prepping for Winter (Take 2)

The Second First Loss

Winter Feeding (or: How Are These Bees Not Dead Yet?!)

Spring Time and Bursting Bees

Three (Hives) Company

Also, I realized that the previous posts were a tad long, so I’ll endeavor to keep them shorter and sweeter. And add pictures when able. Maybe a song or two. Who knows?

Anyway, more to follow in the near future.

You've been warned.